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Woran wir nicht zu denken wagen / we dare not think about 2010, series of works, collage and acrylic on canvas

r wie rückzug, r like retreat, paintin, acrylic

R wie Rückzug / R like retreat 2010, acrylic on canvas, 180 x 220 cm

2010, collage and acrylic on canvas, 180 x 240 cm

rotator, mixed media

Rotator 2010, series of work, 9-parts, collage on canvas, 20 x 20 cm

entwicklung, development, collage

Entwicklung / Development 2010collage on canvas, 180 x 140 cm

rohstoff, resource, acrylic, collage

Rohstoff / Resource 2010collage and acrylic on canvas, 180 x 140 cm

ohkyotho, painting, acrylic

OHKYOTHO 2010, acrylic on canvas, 180 x 130 cm


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